Wednesday, April 15, 2020

History Paper Topics on Agent Orange - Dont Let History Catch You Unconscious

History Paper Topics on Agent Orange - Don't Let History Catch You UnconsciousAgent Orange is a word that has been around for a long time. This horrible chemical has been used by the US military since the 1950's. There are many questions that have not been answered about this chemical and it being used in Vietnam.In the book, entitled The Big White Lie, Peter Dale Scott writes about how he had been told that Agent Orange wasn't even being used in Vietnam. And while this may be true for a small number of our troops, this does not include the heavy use of Agent Orange in the jungles of Vietnam.The book takes us to Iraq and Oklahoma City. The area where they are standing still due to Agent Orange being used.When we take the time to research the chemical itself, we learn that there were veterans who were made ill from the chemicals. In some cases the symptoms just happened to occur almost simultaneously. This is a very dangerous thing to do, and in some cases the symptoms have been life threatening.When the book was first written, the author didn't realize this information was important. He felt it was important to cover the topic so as to not go back and look at the claims that were made, especially by President Bush and his administration.Peter Dale Scott writes a book titled, The Big White Lie, about a chemical that was used against the soldiers in Iraq. However, after all the claims that have been made, the book itself makes the claims seem too unbelievable to be true. If you don't think they are unbelievable, I challenge you to read the comments on this site, many are making the same claims.You can purchase a copy of The Big White Lie online or by calling the publisher. At the end of the day, it is important to know what was really going on. What questions still remain unanswered?

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